Thursday, January 15, 2009

Artic Freeze

Yes, it's freezing here. We haven't been above 0 since Sunday. We will hit a high of -5 today. Needless to say it is a clear beautiful blue sky today. I went to the club (Dakotah Sports and Fitness) at 9:00 -20 below. It was busy there. And later going out to birthday shop for little 1 year old Ande. We are keeping warm - Boyd makes a fire every night and I love it!! Thanks Grandpa Anderson for calling and checking up on us. We appreciate it very much. So we carry on and say "And this too shall pass".


Sarah said...

speaking of the club. Minneapolis is the 3rc healthiest city, slc is first. Interesting huh

The Empty Nesters said...

Utah is the land of The Chosen. Minnesota is The Land of The Frozen Chosen.